
第十一签解签文: 签文:飞鸟飞鸟,无固定之鸟,无固定之林,无固定之屋,飞鸟无固定之屋,意味着人生没有固定的目标,容易失去方向感。 翻译: The签文 in this签 is "飞鸟飞鸟", which means "no fixed bird, no fixed forest, no fixed house, no fixed bird". This签 suggests that one's life is not fixed and easy to be lost in the process of finding direction. In this签, the speaker suggests that one should not be too attached to any specific goal or objective. Instead, one should focus on learning and developing new skills, and be open to new experiences and opportunities. This can help one find their true direction in life and avoid getting lost in the process of finding a specific path. In addition, the speaker also suggests that one should not be too hard on themselves or their abilities. Instead, they should be patient and understanding, and try to be self-motivated and self-sufficient. This can help them to overcome any obstacles and challenges that come their way, and help them to achieve their goals in life. Overall, this签 suggests that one should not be too attached to any specific outcome or result, but rather, be flexible and open to new opportunities, and be self-motivated and self-sufficient in order to find their true direction in life.
